
Exploring a Common Language

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Exploring a Common Language


Jenna Lindgren

January 9, 2018

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Exploring a Common Language: Comparing Frequency With Severity

​​​Linda Pryor, Shelley Johnson, Sandy Durrance, Flo Aruejo

The aim of this study was to explore common language used in the SPHM lexicon, especially the largely misunderstood expressions frequency and severity. The team at NorthBay Healthcare experienced a 50% increase in frequency of injuries, but a 92% decrease in costs!

Pryor L, Johnson S, Durrance S, Aruejo F. Exploring a common language: comparing frequency with severity. Safe Patient Handing and Mobility National Conference: TampaVA Research and Education Foundation, Inc. Orlando FL: March 24-28, 2014.

Read the Full Report Here


Exploring a Common Language

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